I was watching TV the other day and I saw a graph flash across the screen showing how men’s testosterone levels are at an all-time low. I couldn’t help but wonder what was causing it and what my levels were.

Then I thought back to how my granddad and other men from his era acted…  I do remember there being a difference. Most of them worked physical jobs, they dressed differently, and I think they were more aggressive. 

I can’t say for sure what happened or what is happening but in my opinion, I think society is forcing men to be softer, thus causing us to have lower testosterone. 

Unlike years ago, it takes two incomes for most families to live comfortably… or survive. Back when men were the providers and women were the homemakers, men took pride in being the providers and taking care of their manly duties. Today things are a little different. Not only do women work, but they are quickly closing the gap between what is considered man work as well as the pay gap. They are becoming more independent and; dare I say, challenging the authority of men. 

Before I go any further, let me say that I don’t have a problem with women working and being more independent. I understand the struggles that women have had in the past and the fact that more women are becoming empowered is a wonderful thing. 

Having said that, I often wonder, Is it possible for women to advance without men taking steps back? I believe so, but I think it will require men to do more. 

We Must Do More

Jordan Peterson made an interesting point during a recent interview. He stated that there seems to be an infatuation with being young. So many men are getting stuck in an era and not progressing. The way they act, treat others, and dress is not indicative of what we were taught an adult male was supposed to be. 

Think back to our grandparent’s era… how often did you see them dressing like children? Probably not too often. Men back in the day conducted and presented themselves in a mature manner. Today, we seem to be more interested in having fun and being comfortable. Often, when we go out, you can’t tell teenage boys from men because they dress the same. 

So, does dressing young affect our testosterone? I don’t know, but I know when I dress more mature, I act more mature. 

Instead of continuing to focus on what was causing lower testosterone levels, I decided to Google ways to boost testosterone. 

According to www.mensjournal.com, there are 9 ways to naturally increase testosterone. 

  1. Testosterone boosting supplements
  2. More sunlight for vitamin D
  3. Exercise… weight lifting
  4. A balanced diet including proteins, carbs, and fats. 
  5. Meditation to curb stress
  6. Sleep, deep sleep
  7. Avoid estrogen-like compounds
  8. Avoid alcohol and drugs
  9. Don’t ignore your mental health 

I can talk about this subject all day, but I’d like to hear what you have to say. What do you think about this subject and this list? Leave a comment below.